My Son-in-Law Burnt My Family to Death
Britains Darkest TaboosAny murder involves a terrible loss, the consequences of which are far reaching. The case involving Melissa Crook is no exception, however in this case multiple family members died with her; tragically these deaths included her baby son.
What is even more disturbing is that the individual responsible for their murder was the very person who should have been willing to die protecting them.
Danai Muhammadi was Melissa’s husband and father to their young son. Their relationship had been a rocky one, underpinned by Danai’s violence and unreasonable behaviour. Melissa had tried on numerous occasions to make the relationship work, even moving away from her family in a bid to prove her love.
Whilst her family struggled with this decision, they realised that they had to support her and maintain contact with her to ensure that she knew she could always come home.
Danai is an individual who would have seen Melissa’s family as a problem; their love meant that she retained a certain amount of power. Unlike Danai, Melissa was well loved, cared for and supported and whilst she had this support, Danai would never fully have control over her.In many domestically abusive cases there is a common thread that runs through them. For Danai, when
Melissa left him this was a huge insult and elicited feelings of unmanageable rage within him. Melissa not only left him and taken their son, she returned to the family he tried to isolate her from. This means that he had lost control and it is at this point his anger began to take murderous form.
What is terrifying about Danai’s mindset is the calculation and premeditation involved. Enlisting the support of others demonstrates his ability to manipulate and coerce others. All those involved are acutely aware of the crime that is being planned and all remain a party to it.
Danai had the hours it took to drive to Melissa’s to change his mind, to prick his conscience, to rethink his devastating intent.
The crime itself offers one of the most violent and terrifying deaths that can be experienced. Danai pours the flammable liquid through the letterbox instantly removing the opportunity to escape and ensuring that the victims had the least hope possible.
Imagine for a moment the characteristics that are associated with fathers, compassion, protection, self-sacrifice, and then imagine the type of monster who can willingly execute his family as Danai chose to.In that fire three generations of a close, loving and supportive family were destroyed. Melissa’s mother had to witness her loving husband burn to death in front of her eyes; the echoes of his screams will undoubtedly haunt her for the rest of her life.
For Danai the dishonour he felt at Melissa’s rejection overcame any moral and paternal feelings; his desire was to control and ultimately when that failed to destroy.
Domestic abuse kills and the mindset of individuals who seek to control their partners can never be underestimated. One mans inability to take responsibility for his actions in the breakdown of his relationship led to the murder of three innocent people and the devastation of their loving family.The Judge sentenced Danai to 38 years, it is doubtful however that these years will offer any comfort to Melissa’s family, or alter the mindset of the killer that is now fortunately behind bars.
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