Ted Bundy, a vicious sex offender and killer whose natural charm and handsome appearance had seen him evade the law for two years prior to arrest, was executed by electric chair on this day in 1989.
Rejected by his college sweetheart, he committed atrocious crimes against a string of women, some as young as 12-years-old, all sharing her physical profile.
Bundy’s methods were unimaginably violent. Most of his victims died as a result of the internal damage suffered during rape, rather than as a result of any final murderous act.
The identities and number of his victims can only be guessed at. As his charm dissolved in later years, a fraught Bundy struggled frantically to cheat death, producing ever more elaborate and unlikely confessions in the hope of provoking further police enquiries.
For 13 years he succeeded but then the inevitable happened and, as, at long last, Ted Bundy got the punishment he deserved, so the possibility of ever knowing the true extent of his atrocities was lost forever...