Obsessive ex-girlfriend turns violent | Deadly Deception Episode 1
Brett and Rochelle's relationship was a toxic affair, but eight years after their break up, Brett had moved on. Unfortunately, Rochelle believed they had unfinished business.
Sci-fi fans Brett and Rochelle met on an online book club and started a relationship. It looked to all those closest to him that Brett had found the one. When Rochelle and Brett went on a trip with Brett's two best friends Susan and Brain Wright, things started to turn sour. Rochelle seemed to become controlling and didn’t want to share Brett with anyone else. She even had a code word that she would use when she believed Brett was getting too close to another woman. Brett’s friends and family believed that she was trying to isolate Brett from them.
By the end of their three-year relationship, things had become strained between the couple. Brett believed that Rochelle was having an affair, and the couple were fighting a lot. One night, Brett decided to leave Rochelle, but had been drinking, was pulled over by police, and had to spend the night in a cell. This ended the relationship. Because of financial reasons, Brett had to move in with his mother.
After the relationship ended, Rochelle’s parents say that she struggled. She lost her job, and she fell into a downward spiral that ultimately led to her losing custody of her children. It is believed that everything that Rochelle had gone through caused her to have a lot of anger in her. It was this anger, that fuelled the visit she paid to Brett’s home eight years after their breakup, a visit which would lead to tragedy.
Deadly Deception Series 1 Episode 1