Smelly Cellmate won't take a shower | 60 Days In: The Jail
Tony's cellmate has some hygiene issues, and it's stinking up their living quarters. What will it take for him to go for a shower?
When Matt and Jacob leave the jail early, the production team grow concerned that the programme might fail. There are also concerns about Dennis’ behaviour. Detention Officer Tony steps in and offers to be a participant so that the programme can continue. He’s confident that his insider knowledge, intense training, and thorough understanding of gang activity and inmate behaviour make him the most qualified participant for 60 Days In of all time.
Tony has taken inmate Justin under his wing, believing that he can help to guide him through his time in prison. He allows Justin to share his cell with him. Unfortunately, Justin and Tony have another cellmate who appears to have a hygiene problem.
The smelly cellmate won’t take a shower or change into clean clothes. Tony believes that this may be because he was homeless before he was taken into prison and may not have the same standards as Justin and himself. As a result, the cell that they share has a lingering bad odour.
The problem escalates, tension mounts, and Justin decides to take matters into his own hands. Justin attacks his cellmate, and a fight ensues between the two of them. Tony doesn’t get involved. Later, when Justin is speaking to the production team he tells them that he was disappointed that Tony didn’t back him up. He also tells them that he’s sure his hand is broken. He finishes by saying ‘I don’t like any of this.’
The Jail: 60 Days In : Series 6 Episode 6